0:Chapter Contents ^File Manager 98 Professional^ © 1997/98 by Kevin Winspear/BUI Software. *A powerful, far reaching, flexible, comprehensive, easy to use, invaluable,* *original, innovative, once you use it you can`t stop, thumpingly good file &* *directory manager packed full of so many useful features & facilities, tools* *& utilities that you`ll wonder how you ever managed to organise your hard* *disk, zip drives, floppies etc.* . íThe Authorí ^Welcome To File Manager 98..^ %Introduction%[1] %How To Register%[2] %Disclaimer/Legal Stuff%[3] %FM98 Layout%[4] %Source & Destination Windows%[5] ^Contents..^ %Copying Files%[6] %Copy As%[7] %Moving Files%[8] %Duplicate%[9] %Creating Directories%[10] %Renaming Files & Directories%[11] %Deleting Files & Directories%[12] %Check Fit?%[13] %Get Size%[14] %Re-size%[15] %File Attributes/Properties%[16] %NetWork%[17] %Text File Reader%[18] %Finding Files%[19] %Selecting Files Of A Certain Type%[20] %Running Programmes%[21] %Select All%[22] %UnSelect All%[23] %Inverse All%[24] %Splitting Files%[25] %Creating/Managing Zip Files%[27] %Program Settings%[26] %Edit Button%[29] %Edit Mode%[28] %Upgrades%[30] %Thanks%[31] 1:Chapter Introduction File Manager 98 is a very powerful tool for keeping all your files & directories organised. In the old Amiga days, these sort of programmes where very popular. However, on coming over to the PC I was quite surprised to discover that ítwin viewí directory/file managers where very thin on the ground. This was very puzzling as they are probably one of the most useful programmes that any serious computer user can have installed. The file explorer shipped with windows in quite good and perfectly ok if you just want to íexploreí the odd directory or disk. But what if you want to do some serious copying etc. With File Manager 98 this is simply a matter of selecting the files to copy from one view and copying them to the directory/disk displayed in the other view. File Manager 98 is a very powerful programme but is also very easy & intuitive. The concept is simple. You are presented with two views or windows in which are displayed complete directory listings. One of these views will be the source listing and the other the destination. Unlike some other directory managers these source/destination views are not rigidly fixed. Which ever view you select or click in becomes the source view and the other the destination. For example, if you selected half a dozen files from the right view and then selected the copy button, those files would be copied from the right hand listing to the directory showing in the left. You could then instantly select some files from the left and copy them back to the right. There is ^no^ need to cut files, obtain a different directory listing, and then paste them back. File Manager 98 really is the easiest and most effective way of handling all of your files & directories. Once you start using it you won`t want to go back to the old and slow methods again... 2:Chapter How To Register With this Test Drive version of FM98 you are limited to a 21 day trial period in which you can evaluate FM98 to see if it suits your needs. Each time you run FM98 while in the trial/Test Drive period you will first be presented with a requester informing you of how many days are left in the trial period. When your 21 days are up FM98 will present you with a requester informing you of this and must register. ^File Manager 98 v3^ costs only £18.99 (With-out the Editor) or... ^File Manager 98 Professional v4^ for only £28.99 which includes the editor, automatic upgrade to ^File Manager 98 5.0^ which should be available later in the year. {I} 46; {I} 54; ^Credit Card Orders..^ Please contact ^F1 Software^ on.. {I} 50; Tel: ^01709 888465^ (UK) +44 1709 888465 (Rest Of World) {I} 51; Fax: ^01709 888127^ (UK) +44 1709 888127 (Rest Of World) {I} 52; email: ^sales@ware5d.demon.co.uk^ and have the following details handy... Full name as shown on the card. Full address. Credit Card Number. Expiry Date. Card Type (íVisa, Visa Delta, Access, MasterCard, EuroCardí). Software required. íi.e.í File Manager 98. {I} 46; {I} 53; ^Cheque/Postal & Money Orders.^ Please send a cheque/postal or money order made payable to ^K. Winspear^ along with your name. To me at the address below. ^K. Winspear^ ^BUI Software^ ^10 Colenso Street^ ^Hartlepool^ ^TS26 9BD^ ^United Kingdom^ {I} 46; Visit *http://www.ware5d.demon.co.uk* for more titles/upgrades from BUI Software. Or visit the BUI home page at *www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~kevv* for the latest information, downloads and links to all the best shareware sites including F1 Software. You can contact the author by email at *kevv@Globalnet.co.uk* for general enquiries, suggestions etc. 3:Chapter Disclaimer/Legal Stuff File Manager 98 is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. The entire risk as to the use of File Manager 98 is assumed by the user. The author (Kevin Winspear/BUI Software) and/or agents (F1 Software) shall not be held liable for any damage or loss, be it special, incidental, or consequential caused by this software either directly or indirectly. 4:Chapter What You`re Looking At! If you`ve never used a system like FM98 before then at first it may not be totally obvious what`s going on. Basically, you have two views (or pains), one on the left and one on the right. In each of these views there will be a directory listing. For example, when you run FM98 for the first time both left and right views will contain the directory listing of your hard disk, C:\ When you double-click on any of the directories in the view it will then show the directory listing of the directory you selected, such as C:\Windows\. The directory currently being listed in the view is shown in the drop down box at the top. You can also use this box to not only select a previous listing but also to select a different device such as A:\ or D:\. These views (left & right) are totally independent of each other, meaning that you can have two completely different directory listings from two different locations or even drives. This is the whole point of FM98 and what makes it so powerful and useful. Running along the bottom, off the two views is the button bank and drive bank. From here you can access all of the main features of FM98, also set the drive button to directories of your choose. One other concept that you should understand before you attempt to use FM98 is that one view will always be the *source* view and the other will always be the *destination*. Much like a window, which ever view you click on or select files from etc. will automatically become the *source* view leaving the other of course to become the *destination*. When ever you perform operations such as ^Copy^ it will always work from *Source to Destination*. You can always tell which view is the *source* because, The bar at the top of the directory will be *highlighted in red* 5:Chapter Source/Destination Use the Source/Destination pointers to switch the two directory listings. ^Left Top Bar is Red^ Indicates that the left hand view is the destination and the right is the source. ^Right Top Bar is Red^ Indicates that the Right hand view is the destination and the left is the source. The source/destination listings will always change whenever you click either in the listing itself or select a function for that listing. ^For Example.^ If the left hand view were the source, clicking on a file in the right hand view would make it the source. You can always tell which directory listing is the source because the Top Bar is Red and displays Source. Files are ^ALWAYS^ copied, moved, deleted etc. from the source listing. 6:Chapter Copying Files. Simply select the files and/or directories that you wish to copy from either view and select the copy button from the button bank. Your selected files/directories will then be copied from that view to the other. For example, you have one view displaying C:\Programmes\ and the other displaying A:\, if you selected 10 files from the view that was displaying the contents of C:\Programmes\ and then selected copy, all 10 files would be copied to the A:\. If any of the files you are copying all ready exist, are read only or are system files that you will have to confirm before overwriting them. 7:Chapter Copy As . This works in exactly the same way as copy except that for each copy you are given the option to rename the file before it is copied to the destination view. 8:Chapter Moving Files . Moving files actually ^copies^ them first and then deletes the original from the source view. ^Safety First..^ If a file can`t be moved, say, you are trying to move files to a write protected disk, then the original file will not be deleted. It is only when FM98 is satisfied that the file has been moved (or as good as in the case of not wishing to overwrite an already existing file) that it will delete the original. ^Move Files As..^ Select instead and as the files are moved you are given the option to rename them. 9:Chapter Duplicating Files. . Select one or more files in either view and select ^Clone^ button Files. This will give you the option to make copies of the selected file(s) without actually copying them to a different location. You will be asked for a new name for each select file. Unless a file with the name you give already exists in the directory you will then have two copies of that file, the original and the duplicated one. 10:Chapter Creating New Directories. Select the view/path that you wish to create a new directory in by either clicking in the view itself or by selecting the ^Top Bar^ source/destination button so that the Bar turns ^Red^. Select the ^MakeDir^ button and enter the directory that you wish to create. With this version of FM98 it is possible to create an entire directory branch in a single operation. ^Example.^ If you selected a view whose path was C:\MyFolder\ and entered *Work* for your new directory then, of course, you would have created C:\MyFolder\Work\. However, if you where to enter *Work\Letters\Penpals\UK* not only would you create the directory Work but you would also create the sub directory Letters, its sub directory PenPals and its sub directory UK. 11:Chapter Renaming Files && Directories . Select the files and/or directories you wish to rename and then the ^Rename^ button. At the prompt enter a new name for the file/directory. If a file/directory of that name already exists then you will have to select another. 12:Chapter Deleting Files/Directories Simply select the files and/or directories that you wish to delete and then select the *Delete* button. All selected files, directories and their contents will be deleted. If there are any read only or system files then you will first have to confirm. 13:Chapter Will It Fit? . The *Check Fit* function is a convenient way to determine if a collection of file and/or directories selected from one view will fit if you attempt to copy them to the other view. For example, you may be wanting to copy some files from your hard disk over to floppy. Simply select the files from the hard disk in one view and then load the floppy in the other view. Check Fit will then determine if your floppy had enough free space to accommodate the selected files/directories. ^See Also..^ %Get Size%[14] 14:Chapter Get Size . The *Get Size* function works in pretty much the same way as its sister function %Check fit%[13]. Simply select any number of files and/or directories and then select *Get Size* FM98 will scan the files and directories and report the total size of your selection. 15:Chapter Re-Size . A word about Window Re-Size, by clicking on the Re-Size button located at the top right of the main window will not Re-size the objects (automatically as other programs do), this is because you can maximize the window then edit Re-Size the objects, then Re-Size the window to the size you want. 16:Chapter File Attributes . Selecting a file/files and then select *Attrib* button the attribute will open the file attribute editor in which you can view/edit a files attributes. These consist of the actual attribute settings.. *Read Only, Archive, System & Hidden* and the creation date and time of the file. To edit the attribute settings simply check or uncheck them. At the bottom of the window *Change Date & Time* you can change the file's date/time. To change the date, click on the little picture of a calendar, a drop down calendar will appear select a date, this will close the calendar and the date will appear in the box. To change the time, click the up/down buttons to change the hours / minutes. 17:Chapter Network . File Manager 98 now works over a network, you can copy, move, delete etc. Just as you would copy files from one directory to another directory on the same computer. This can be very handy if you work in an office and your computer is on a network. For example, if one of your work mates has files on His/Her computer you can have one listview listing the network directory and the other the directory on your Hard Drive, select the file and copy. You don't have to:- 1. Double-Click on the network Icon from the main Desktop. 2. Double-Click on the name of the icon you want to copy files from. 3. Double-Click on the Hard Drive if that computer has more than one. 4. Select the files you want to copy. 5. Select Copy from the Menu. 6. Open your Hard Drive and all the directories where you want to paste the file. 7. Once the directory is open where you would like the file to be copied, select Paste from the Menu. 8. Or open all the network directories and all directories on your hard drive and drag & copy. íIf you don't have FM98 installed on your computer and someone else on theí ínetwork dose then you can even Run FM98 over the network and use it on yourí ícomputer.í *You can save a lot of time with FM98 just to copy some files over a network* 18:Chapter Text File Reader . Select a text file and then select *Text view*. This will simply allow you to quickly view a short text file without having to load an external programme such as notepad. 19:Chapter Searching For Files And/Or Directories. . Select the *Search or Find* buttons from button bank to bring up the *Find Files* window. From here you can search for files/directories based on their name, creation date, size or any combination of the three. The first thing you will see when you open this window is the *Name & Location* section. In here you enter the type of file you are looking for and the directory in which you want to start searching. ^Name & Location.^ íFor Example.í To find all *.ico* files on your CD Rom drive you would type *.ico in the "Named" field and set the "Look In" field to *D:\*. (If the look in field does not show D:\ you can select it using the Browse button.) You would then click the Find Now button. FM98 would then make a search of your entire CD Rom including all directories, sub directories etc. listing all files of type .ico. When FM98 is searching you can press Esc Key to abort the Search. If you don`t want any sub directories to be searched then uncheck the Search Sub Directories box. The *default* name for files in Name & Location is *.* which will match with any and every file and directory. Use this if you want to search for a file based on some other criteria rather than just its name. ^Date Modified.^ This section will allow you to narrow down your search for files based on their date. The options here are.. *All Files* Will match with files no matter what their date. *Between* ##/##/#### and ##/##/####. Matches with files whose dates lie in between the two dates you specify. *During The Previous* ?? Month(s). Matches with files that where created/ modified within the last ?? month(s). *During The Previous* ?? Day(s). See above. ^File Size.^ This section allows you to search for files within a specific size range. The options here are.. *Files Of Any Size*. Matches with files of any size. *Size Is At Least* ????. Matches with all files whose size is ???? and over. *Size Is At Most* ????. Matches with all files whose size is ???? and under. *Size Is Between* ???? and ????. Matches with files whose size lies between the range you specify. *Measure Size In*. Specify how you want to measure the filesize, select from bytes, kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. As mentioned above you can use any or all of these sections to narrow down your search. For example you could search for text files created within the last few days under 40 KBytes. Once you have made a successful search you will have a list of files and/or directories which you can further manipulate. Click the right mouse button to bring up a menu with the following options. 20:Chapter Searching For Files Of A Certain Type One of the most annoying and time consuming things to do is to try and select a certain groups of files, say .txt from a very large directory listing. See the end of this chapter for details about the file filter. Read the* *following first though..* In order to speed things up a bit FM98 allows you to specify in advance what type of files you want to select and then to select them all in one go. ^The File Filter.^ Just as you can choose to select files of a certain type, so you can instruct FM98 to ^only^ display files of a certain type in either or both directory listings. By default FM98 will display all files. This may or may not include %hidden files%[37]. However, if, for example, you only wanted to display files of type .txt, .wri, .doc etc. in the left directory listing you would select ^filter^ button and then using the same requester as you use for selecting certain files, ísee aboveí, simply select the type of files you want displayed. Now, instead of selecting files of that type, only files of that type will be displayed. To revert back to displaying ^all files^ simply select nothing as your file types. 21:Chapter Running Programmes && Associated Files. You can launch/run any file from within FM98 (not just .exe`s) simply by double- clicking on it. ^For Example.^ Double-clicking on a *.doc file would (normally) launch WordPad® to open that file. 22:Chapter Select all Simply selects all the files/directories in the source directory listing. 23:Chapter Unselect all Unselects all files/directories in the source directory listing. 24:Chapter Inverse All With this function, you select a file / directory within the Source list so it is highlighted, then selecting this will select all files / directories and unselect the files / directories you selected. 25:Chapter Splitting Files Splitting files is a useful feature if, for example, you want to send someone a file which is too large to fit on a single floppy disk. You would simply split it into 2 or 3 and copy the split file parts onto your disks. The other person would then use their copy of FM98 to copy the split file back to their Hard Disk and Recompile it back to its original state. See the end of this chapter to learn how to ^recompile^ split files. To split a file first select the file and then the Split File Button from the Button Bank. A window will open detailing the file to split, the destination directory where the split sections are to be created & a selector to select how many parts you want this file split into. When you are happy select *Split File* and the original file will be copied to the destination directory in the number of sections you specified. ^For Example..^ If you ísplití a file called MyFile.txt into 3 parts the following three files would be created in the destination directory. MyFile.txt.FM98Split_1_of_3 MyFile.txt.FM98Split_2_of_3 MyFile.txt.FM98Split_3_of_3 The original MyFile.txt is not actually split itself but instead is copied to the three separate files above. ^Recompiling A Split File..^ Simply select the directory that contains the split sections of a file and then select one of the split files. ^Example..^ If you had the following files in the source directory.. MyFile.txt.FM98Split_1_of_3 MyFile.txt.FM98Split_2_of_3 MyFile.txt.FM98Split_3_of_3 You might select the *_2_of_3* file. (It doesn`t matter which one you select as FM98 will automatically search for the others.) You would then select the {I} 32; Split File icon from the central control panel. This time however, FM98 will see that this file as already been split and ask if you wish to recompile it back to the destination directory. Select ^Yes^ and the original file will be restored. ^Note.^ If the original file exists in the destination directory it will be overwritten. 27:Chapter The Zip Manager You can open the Arciver window by clicking on a %Arciver% button. Once open you can create zip files or open an existing zip file to open it and add files, extract files. Six Icons at the top are:- (from left to right) Open/Create Archive Will open a requester for you to type in the new archive name in the directory of your choose, after you click ok an archive with the name you typed in will be created. Open File Will open the selected archive, and display all the file within the list. Delete Files If you have an archive open, you will be asked if you want to delete the archive from you disk. Extract Files You can select which file will be extracted from the opened archive, a window will open giving you the chance to: select Expand Zip Dir Yes / No OverWrite Exiting file Yes / No File to extract All Files / Selected Files. Add Files Once the Add window open you can select the file from the left side of the window, the listview at the bottom left, the idea is to select the file from the left listview and copy them into the right listview, in the center of the window you can select: Save DirName Recurse Dirs and under this are three buttons to: Add Dir to the right listview Add file to the right listview Remove remove the selected file form the right listview Add To Zip After you are happy all the files in the right listview you want to add to the zip click on Add To Zip. Cancel Will close the Add window without adding the selected file to the zip file. Delete file from archive Will Delete the selected file from the main windows list. 26:Chapter Program Settings On window you can set the following:- This is where you can set the left window & right window to the directories of your choose, when File Manager first starts will read and display the directories. Also you can choose a config file you would like File Manager to load on start-up. 28:Chapter Edit Mode You can change the main Windows the way you want it to look. To go into Edit Mode, go in the Preferences Menu and select Edit Mode this will put a tick to the left. Now your in Edit Mode any object you click on will appear six little black boxes, once these appear you can move or resize that object. Once you have finished editing you select Edit Mode again, this will turn off Edit Mode and ask you if you want to save any changes. 29:Chapter Edit Button Edit Button in the Preferences Menu you can change any of the user buttons with-in the button banks. The buttons on the first button bank at the bottom left are the drive buttons and next to these on the right are the functions buttons. To change a button, first select Edit Button, a small window will open asking you to select a button. First let's say you clicked on a Drive button, another windows will open, on the left of this window there are two edit boxes, the first one you enter the name you the drive, the second one you must click on the box next to the edit box, a browse will open select a drive a folder then select OK. This will put the full path into the second edit box now click OK. On the right of this window you can change the Font colour and button colour. (Notice the drive button has changed to the caption you entered. Click on the drive button will now change the Source Windows Directory to the selected path. Now if you click on a Function button a window will open, this time there is a drop down box. You can select a any Function from the list. The first item in the drop down list is (No Function), selecting this another box will appear at the bottom now in the second box you can type what you like in the three box you must click on the button next to the box, this will bring up a file requester for you to select a program of you choose. At the right you can change the Font colour or Button colour. 30:Chapter Upgrades. In v5.0 I will be adding:- More Functions. For example:- *Print Dir* Will Print the listview directory to your Printer. *Hex Editor* View / Edit .exe / .Dll files. More User buttons. More Drive buttons. And hopefully any Functions that registers ask for (within reason) Version 5.0 will *ONLY* be available to the people who register for V4 Professional. 31:Chapter Thanks . Can I just take this opportunity to thank all the people who have registered. *Thankyou* . íThe Authorí